Work Hardening

                            Work Hardening


Work Hardening is the comprehensive treatment modality addressing the physical, psychological and social aspect of an injured worker's ability to work. Work Hardening occurs in a highly structured environment with an emphasis placed on real or simulated work, cardiovascular conditioning, general strength and flexibility, tool and job modification, relevant psychosocial issues and education based on wellness principle. The goal is to increase physical work tolerance, endurance and productivity with early return to work and improved employability. The program includes group classes and pain/stress management, basic nutrition, injury prevention and return-to-work issues.Individual biofeedback and counseling are also available to those who need it. The participant assumes an active role in management of his or her individual case. Goals are determined weekly. Re-evaluations are performed every 4 weeks to ensure continued progress. Based upon physician referral, the work hardening program is developed and implemented by a licensed physical therapist, physical therapist assistants, psychologist, vocation specialist and exercise assistants.

Work Hardening is

A 6-8 Week program

consisting of 8 hour

Days, 5 days a week.