physical therapy

 Northeast Rehabilitation Center is a  comprehensive therapy center located on first street between Hwy. 59 and Wilson Road. The center is inclusive of a physical therapy gym with equipment for strengthening, cardiovascular conditioning, work hardening and physical therapy modalities using state of the art equipment. The patient receives extensive  testing, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation by an experienced multidisciplinary staff including licensed physical therapist and licensed physical therapist assistants.


P.T.Evaluation/Screening Evaluation/Screening Functional Capacity Evaluations Occupational Rehabilitation with real and simulated working environments Ultrasound/phonophoresis
Short wave Diathermy/Deep heat Electrical Stimulation/Interferential Iontophoresis Tens Paraffin Bath
Moist Heat/Hot packs/Cold Packs Myofacial Release Joint Mobilization Therapeutic Exercises/Activities Total Gym
Neuromuscular Re-education Gait Training Traction (Cervical & Lumbar) Treadmill/Endurance Training Postural Correction
Wound Care Body Mechanics Training Massage